Our Articles
Michael Fellmann, Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Andreas Schoknecht, Arthur Vetter:
A Taxonomy and Catalog of Business Process Model Patterns
EuroPLoP '17 Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (
full text)
Michael Fellmann, Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Andreas Schoknecht, Arthur Vetter:
Business Process Model Patterns: State-of-the-Art, Research Classification and Taxonomy
Business Process Management Journal, accepted for publication
full text
Online Appendix
Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Michael Fellmann:
Business Process Model anti-Patterns: a Bibliography and Taxonomy of published Work
27th European Conference on Information Systems - Information Systems for a Sharing Society
full text
Other Repositories
workflowpatterns.com - The workflow patterns web site
with detailed description of patterns related to the topics control flow, resources, data flow, exception handling and dealing with complexity ("presentation patterns")
process-pattern.app - A collection of patterns and best practices for process improvement
Patterns - Specification patterns for finite-state verification
Those patterns provide the base for the patterns in category 6.1. (business process compliance)
Change/Adaption Patterns
Deals with the patterns in category 7.1 (Differences and Variability)
Approval, Document, Collaboration and Email Patterns by Signavio
Design Patterns Library at Hillside.net
Related Publications
Becker, M; Klingner, S.:A Criteria Catalogue for Evaluating Business Process Pattern Approaches (
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Fettke, P.; Loos, P.; Zwicker, J.: Business Process Reference Models - Survey and Classification.
BPM 2005 Workshops Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3812 (
Glushko, R.J.; McGrath, T.: Designing Business Processes With Patterns, Chapter10 of the book
Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business
Informatics and Web Services (MIT Press 2008) (
Haddar, N.Z.; Makni, L; Ben Abdallah, H.: Literature Review of Reuse in Business Process Modeling, Software & Systems Modeling 3(13), 2014 (
Monteiro, P.; Monteiro, M. P.: Documenting Patterns with Business Process Models, PLoP 2012 (