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Our Articles

Michael Fellmann, Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Andreas Schoknecht, Arthur Vetter:
A Taxonomy and Catalog of Business Process Model Patterns
EuroPLoP '17 Proceedings of the 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (full text)

Michael Fellmann, Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Andreas Schoknecht, Arthur Vetter:
Business Process Model Patterns: State-of-the-Art, Research Classification and Taxonomy
Business Process Management Journal, accepted for publication
full text
Online Appendix

Agnes Koschmider, Ralf Laue, Michael Fellmann:
Business Process Model anti-Patterns: a Bibliography and Taxonomy of published Work
27th European Conference on Information Systems - Information Systems for a Sharing Society
full text

Other Repositories - The workflow patterns web site
with detailed description of patterns related to the topics control flow, resources, data flow, exception handling and dealing with complexity ("presentation patterns") - A collection of patterns and best practices for process improvement

Specification Patterns - Specification patterns for finite-state verification
Those patterns provide the base for the patterns in category 6.1. (business process compliance)

Change/Adaption Patterns
Deals with the patterns in category 7.1 (Differences and Variability)

Approval, Document, Collaboration and Email Patterns by Signavio

Design Patterns Library at

Related Publications

Becker, M; Klingner, S.:A Criteria Catalogue for Evaluating Business Process Pattern Approaches (full text) (PDF)

Fettke, P.; Loos, P.; Zwicker, J.: Business Process Reference Models - Survey and Classification.
BPM 2005 Workshops Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3812 (full text)

Glushko, R.J.; McGrath, T.: Designing Business Processes With Patterns, Chapter10 of the book Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services (MIT Press 2008) (full text)

Haddar, N.Z.; Makni, L; Ben Abdallah, H.: Literature Review of Reuse in Business Process Modeling, Software & Systems Modeling 3(13), 2014 (full text)

Monteiro, P.; Monteiro, M. P.: Documenting Patterns with Business Process Models, PLoP 2012 (full text)